Our Staff

Carrie Deslippe, RMT

Carrie founded Above & Beyond Massage Therapy in 2008 following her completion of studies earlier that year.

Eunice De Leon, RMT

Registered Massage Therapist

Linda McLeod, RMT

Registered Massage Therapist

Madison Pare


Thiago Gamito

Holistic Wellness Practitioner

About Linda McLeod, RMT

Linda McLeod, RMT | Above & Beyond Massage Therapy Clinic

Hello, my name is Linda McLeod. My whole working career has been in healthcare. I worked as a RN in Michigan for 18 years. After a while the commute got to be too much and I was also feeling burnt out. I decided it was time for a career change, but I didn’t know what. I took a course for a medical office assistant only to realize that I am a caregiver at heart. For the past five years I have been working as a PSW and it was a little better than nursing, I felt I had a little more time to care. But working midnights was taking a toll on me. So back to school I went, and now I am a RMT. Caregiving is in my blood, my Mom was a nurse, and my Dad a doctor. When they got older and ill I cared for them. Now it is just my brother and myself, plus our 2 dogs and 2 cats.

I love nature, especially water. I like that in this area we are not far from the waterfront. In the summers I ride my bike to the waterfront and ride down the Ganatchio Trail. As a kid and still as an adult, I always wanted to live by the water. On our summer vacations I was the happiest when we were at the beach.