Hello, my name is Linda McLeod. My whole working career has been in healthcare. I worked as a RN in Michigan for 18 years. After a while the commute got to be too much and I was also feeling burnt out. I decided it was time for a career change, but I didn’t know what. I took a course for a medical office assistant only to realize that I am a caregiver at heart. For the past five years I have been working as a PSW and it was a little better than nursing, I felt I had a little more time to care. But working midnights was taking a toll on me. So back to school I went, and now I am a RMT. Caregiving is in my blood, my Mom was a nurse, and my Dad a doctor. When they got older and ill I cared for them. Now it is just my brother and myself, plus our 2 dogs and 2 cats.
I love nature, especially water. I like that in this area we are not far from the waterfront. In the summers I ride my bike to the waterfront and ride down the Ganatchio Trail. As a kid and still as an adult, I always wanted to live by the water. On our summer vacations I was the happiest when we were at the beach.